Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The UP!

First, Mom came! WE had a wonderful trip!!! We drove to Austin, taking our time to explore a little bit of the city and its night life. Then we spent a day wandering the world's largest outlet mall. It was wonderful to spend some quality time with her and for her to see what I go through daily both in my classroom and my personal life. Katy loved the extra attention too!

While Mom was here, while driving through rush hour in Houston on our way to Austin, I found out I was accepted to attend Harvard University's School of Education Policy and Management. What good news! I really had now thought of going and applied for a what the hell, why not purpose. It was a HUGE surprise and mom cried. So, it looks like I will be going to Harvard next year for a 10 month Master's program. I will be able to specialize in different areas, perhaps higher education, perhaps government or business, we'll see! The opportunity is there now! It made my two years of Teach For America and all the hell I have been through worth it! God puts you through the worst of the worst to be rewarded at the end :) I am hoping to move there in August, Jake may move there with me so I won't be alone. My other option is to teach in Texas for one more year so that my license can transfer out of state and then attend Harvard in a year. A teacher with three years of teaching experience has much more credibility than one with only two years. I need to contact Harvard today so see what their thoughts are.

It's spring break right now and I decided to teach during the break to our most struggling 5th grade math students. While it sucks to be teaching through break, it will be worth it come May. The days on only half days and the class is small, so a lot can get done.

Katy is doing well and growing like crazy, she has an amazing personality that comes through more and more each day. She's learning!

Much love you you all!

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