Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall Happenings

My trip to Portland was amazing. I had a great time spending time with Christina, Mom, and Grandma. The marathon was amazing! I hurt like heck for a few days afterward... I mean I hurt!!! The race itself was fantastic. It was such a cool experience. I ran much faster than I was expecting too and had much more fun than I thought I would. It was pretty cool being in this massive group of fit people that had all been training just as hard as I had been. There was an inspiring amount of camaraderie among the other runners encouraging each other throughout the whole journey. It was wet and cold, but refreshing after spending a summer training in Houston.

School is going well... the countdown has begun to the end of the school. My students are beginning to make gains... I have so much doubt over my effectiveness as a teacher, I just hope I am doing the right thing. My kids are beginning to act like 5th graders and are growing and changing out of their sweet, innocent 4th grade personalities.

I started to go to a young adults group at St. Martin's Episcopal... I am enjoying it thus far... a bunch of young people my age, randomly many of them are teachers. We're reading the book, A Year of Living Biblically about an agnostic man who tries to live one full year by the exact words of the bible... I am on month two of his journey.

Kids are back from the one week trip to PE and it's time for school pictures.

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