Friday, October 31, 2008

Outdoor School

I am sitting in the lodge right now getting a free wireless signal so I thought I'd write. I have had the EXTRAORDINARY privilege of taking the 5th graders to a week of outdoor school on a beautiful lake in Trinity, Texas. This place is beautiful, hard to believe it is in Texas! I look outside and I am reminded of what Oregon looks like.

The kids have had the opportunity to ride horses, go fishing, participate in a huge ropes course, learn about the ecology of ponds, forests, and farms, and much more. Most importantly, they have lived in a cabin in the outdoors surrounded by trees and bright stars for the first time in their lives. They have grown close to their peers and discovered a new sense of leadership and maturity. Most of my students have never been outside of Houston and were SHOCKED when they discovered the night sky and the radiant stars with the Milky Way right over their heads. The look on their face as they saw the stars has forever been imprinted on my mind. It has been so cool being here and watching from afar as they experience what they have been able to experience. The camp provides its own teachers and counselors, so my role has been quite miniscule abling me to watch and observe and work on some much needed work (ie graduate school applications). The kids got a chance to participate in a camp fire and sing songs and perform skits for their peers. At camp, they have bussed their own tables as they eat family style with each student having their own chore or daily task.

We're about to go back to school. I have heard over and over that they would like to stay for another week. I am so happy for them for having been granted this opportunity to explore the outdoor wilderness and discover a world outside of their 74th street and Harrisburg bubble that so many are stuck in.

It's Halloween today! Unfortunately I have a professional development for Teach For America early in the morning and have to work all weekend at Luke's Locker... I am honestly not sure how much longer I can work on the weekends... it is quite draining and not really worth it despite the fun people I get to meet.

Hope you are all well, thinking of y'all, 7 more weeks until Christmas break!!!!


kendithomas said...

If I were a 5th grader, I would have loved the outdoor school I think. Actually, in 5th grade we went to this place called Bradford Woods and I think it changed my life. If I could, I would go back in time and spend another week there.

kendithomas said...

If I were a 5th grader, I would have loved the outdoor school I think. Actually, in 5th grade we went to this place called Bradford Woods and I think it changed my life. If I could, I would go back in time and spend another week there.